Cooking with Kids is about more than Cookies & Cake {Part 2 with Bonus Recipe}


As I mentioned in my post yesterday, in my work with families, I encourage moms and dads to do the same. I teach friends and clients that kitchen time with the kids isn’t just for baking desserts. It’s an opportunity to teach our kids how to cook and eat to fuel a body and life they love. It’s also about cultivating safe knife skills for kids of all (appropriate) ages, exploring how to season food with healing and flavorful spices and herbs, and discovering a wide variety of colorful whole food, fresh ingredients, healthy cooking techniques, and easy meal prep.

Cooking Nutritious Meals with Kids Can Happen

If you’re like many moms I know, you may initially think you and your family are just too busy to make meals together in meaningful ways. I’m here to remind you it’s just not true and to inspire you that making time to get our kids in the kitchen is vitally important to their well-being.

Like yesterday, I also included suggestions about how your kids can get involved and some nutrition and wellness talking points you can share. And remember, when kids are involved in prepared healthy food, they are more likely to want to take a bite out of the fruit of their labor. So get cooking and have fun!

Super Simple Banana Pancakes

You won’t believe how tasty these simple pancakes are to make and how delicious they taste.  These are a wonderful high- protein, flour and grain-free alternative to traditional pancakes. Kids can participate by peeling and mashing the banana, sprinkling the cinnamon and vanilla and using a whisk to mix.


1 medium ripe banana with brown spots
2 large organic free-range eggs
Couple dashes cinnamon
A few drops of vanilla
Pinch of sea salt
Toppings: blueberries, strawberries maple syrup or honey


In a small bowl using a fork, mash the banana.  Add eggs and remaining ingredients and mix well. It’s ok if the batter has a few lumps in it.

Over medium-high flame, heat a non-stick skillet and spray with ghee or olive oil cooking spray.  When the pan is hot pour half the batter into skillet. Cook without flipping about 2 minutes or until the bottom is set and golden brown.  Using a spatula flip the pancake and continue cooking until pancake puffs slightly and is fully set.  Repeat with remaining batter.

When ready to serve, top with berries and a light drizzle of maple syrup or honey.  Enjoy!

Teaching points you can share as you cook:

  • Bananas grow on trees in tropical climates.  They are high in potassium and can help soothe a stomach ache.
  • Eggs come from chickens.  The best eggs to eat come from chickens who get to run around and play outside, like kids do at recess. And that eats healthy food without any chemicals added to it.  This food is called organic.
  • Cinnamon is a spice that is shaved from bark. It helps to improve digestion.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I love to help bring the joy of cooking nutritious meals back to families. 

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Ebeth Johnson
Ebeth Johnson is mindful eating & well-life mentor for women who are ready to live deliciously. As a mom, professional chef, plant-based nutritionist and mindful eating coach, Ebeth marries her love of food, cooking, wellness, and mindfulness while supporting women and their families to incorporate nourishing foods and nurturing lifestyle practices into daily life. Ebeth was raised in DC and returned here (after a 15-year stint in the Big Apple) when her child Cayenne was born. When she's not in the kitchen, at the grocery store or DuPont farmers’ market you'll find her roller skating, reading, watching HGTV, making handcrafted beaded jewelry or briskly walking wherever she needs to go. One of her favorite meals is perfectly scrambled eggs with whole wheat toast, sliced avocado and a green salad. She could do without shopping for clothes and shoes.